The Warp Zone is Amanda Speer and Dain Daller. We are artists and weavers living in Northern New Mexico. We weave in our mostly finished Earthship home that we have built from the ground up with only our four hands. We started building our house in 2010. Our home houses our four looms, our fig and pomegranate trees, an overwhelming collection of records and books, and far too much yarn. We weave under solar power and live completely away from any city or grid. We wash our hand woven, hand dyed goods (and our dishes and ourselves!) with rainwater that we collect off our roof and store in a 2500 gallon cistern.
We strive to constantly come up with new techniques and combinations to differentiate ourselves from others. We take formless raw materials such as silk, cotton, linen, wool, rayon, and transform them into beautiful weavings.
Please contact us with any questions:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Here are photos of our home / studio: